A women’s residential treatment facilitycan boost your odds of succeeding with addiction and help you even when you need it most. In a Boca Raton detox south florida center for women, you’ll be put in a positive environment alongside other women experiencing similar drug-related problems. This is an excellent chance to get your addiction on track, as well as meet like-minded individuals who can offer you the support you need to stay clean.
There are many benefits of drug detoxification for patients. It’s a great chance to become sober without the stress or traumatic withdrawal that heavy usage creates. It also allows patients to learn new skills and commit to lifelong recovery.
But if you want to make sure that your experience stays positive and doesn’t lead to relapses, then you need to make sure that you choose a good treatment center. Luckily, there are a few things you can watch for to ensure that your stay in the treatment center will be both positive and long-lasting.
Many people who suffer from addiction have experienced some degree of relapse after their treatment period. The main reason behind this is the fact that their body became accustomed to the medication and over time, the brain signal was no longer sent to relieve discomfort from withdrawal symptoms.
When naltrexone is combined with counselling and therapy, however, those odds of having a relapse go down. This is because naltrexone helps curb the physical cravings that opioids give off, which is the real reason people suffer from withdrawals in the first place. If you do decide to try and kick your habit on your own, make sure you’re getting the proper support and medications to get through the process.
In the first stage of detox, you’ll receive medically-supervised detox at a reputable Boca Raton facility. At this point, you’ll be provided with medications such as naltrexone, so you won’t have to worry about any serious side effects. However, this is just the first step in the detox process. After the first stage, detox patients are then given the chance to detox without any medication, by attending a medically-supervised detox program at a residential treatment facility.
During the second stage of detox, you’ll receive detox medications such as naltrexone again, but this time they will only be given to people with alcohol problems. This is important for several reasons: first, it allows the person receiving the medication time to acclimate to the drug; second, it prevents the substance from overwhelming the individual’s system; and third, it ensures that there are no negative side effects when the individual returns home to his or her normal lifestyle.
If there was any possibility of the substance causing physical harm to the addict or even causing death, doctors wouldn’t be allowing the person to return home to an alcohol-free existence.
The third stage of detox in Florida is known as the residential detox program. Here, your treatment team will meet with you in your home and discuss the specifics of your specific case. They will advise you on your best course of action, including where you should be living, what you should eat, and what you should do to avoid relapse.
You will be given medications to administer to your body during this part of the process, and may be required to attend counselling sessions. Although withdrawal symptoms are more intense during the first week or so of treatment, they are milder in the last few weeks before you are discharged into facilities around Florida.