aa meetings chicago il is a twelve-step program for people who have a drinking problem. The program is based on the belief that alcoholism is a disease that can be treated with the help of a higher power. AA meetings are held all over the world, and there are many AA meetings in Chicago.
The purpose of an AA meeting is to provide support and guidance to people who are struggling with alcoholism. AA meetings are open to everyone, regardless of religious beliefs or lack thereof. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.
AA meetings are led by a group of people who have been through the program themselves and have been sober for an extended period of time. These leaders share their own stories of addiction and recovery, and they offer advice and support to those who are currently struggling with alcoholism.
What Happens at an AA Meeting?
An AA meeting typically starts with a prayer or moment of silence, followed by a reading from the AA Big Book, which is the book that outlines the twelve steps of the program. After the reading, one of the leaders will share their story of addiction and recovery.
The rest of the meeting is spent discussing any concerns or problems that members are currently facing. Members are encouraged to share as much or as little as they feel comfortable sharing. The goal is to provide support and encouragement to everyone in attendance.
At the end of the meeting, members typically say the Lord’s Prayer or another form of prayer. Some meetings also have refreshments available, which provides an opportunity for members to socialize with one another.
What Are the Benefits of Attending AA Meetings?
There are many benefits to attending AA meetings. First and foremost, it provides individuals with a safe and supportive environment where they can openly discuss their struggles with addiction without judgement. Additionally, AA meetings can provide individuals with much-needed motivation and inspiration to stay sober.
For many people, hearing stories of recovery from other addicts can be incredibly powerful. It helps them realize that sobriety is possible, even after years of struggling with addiction. Finally, attending AA meetings can help people build a strong network of supportive friends who understand what they’re going through.
If you’re struggling with alcoholism, attending an AA meeting may be beneficial for you. AA meetings provide support, guidance, and motivation to those who are trying to overcome addiction. If you’re not sure where to find an AA meeting in Chicago, visit www.aaChicagoAreaIntergroupofficeorg/meetings for more information.