When you’re looking for a great gift to get someone, a mastercard joker balance is the best way to let the recipient choose exactly what they need. Just tell the person on the other end of the phone that you need a certain amount of money put into a savings account, and then give them a call. You can give them a specific amount, or you can give them a range of amounts. Either way, you have completed the most simple form of credit card shopping – and it costs nothing!
There are many reasons to get a Virtual prepaid virtual card, but there are just as many reasons to avoid it. Many people worry about scams involving these prepaid virtual cards. But as long as you follow a few simple guidelines, you should be safe. Here are the reasons to avoid Virtual prepaid virtual cards:
o No bank account: Some banks will offer a virtual prepaid card, but they don’t have a checking or savings account from which you can draw. So if the bank says that you can’t open an account, don’t even bother with them. They may still have a few rules about holding your card, or they may not even accept it at all. If it’s a prepaid card, you don’t have a real credit rating, so don’t go to these banks and expect that they’ll take care of you. Use your financial institutions instead.
o No banking information: If the virtual prepaid card is issued at a site other than your financial institution, you won’t have any type of banking information. You won’t be able to access your bank account or take money out. If this is what’s offered to you, it’s a red flag. Don’t sign up for anything that requires you to put your social security number, birth date, address, or other banking information on a card.
o No upgrade potential: Most virtual prepaid cards are no different from their actual counterpart. You can’t get any kind of upgrade or special features on them. You can’t get cards with more spending power or better rates. The only thing that you can do is to use as much money as you’d like and not pay any interest or fees.
o No monthly fee: A virtual prepaid card that requires a monthly fee sounds great, but it means absolutely nothing. You are not going to be able to spend more than what you’ve put on the card before the month comes to an end. This type of program is usually a scam and you should avoid them completely. If the company wants you to pay a monthly fee, be sure to look elsewhere.
o No physical card details: When you sign up for a virtual prepaid card, you don’t have a physical card number. This means that companies can steal your card number without you even knowing it. They can even use your details to make purchases online or over the phone! That’s why it’s so important to use a secured website when you shop online or by phone. Look for a secure site that only asks for your name and password, and then you can enjoy shopping online and making secure online or phone b4b payments.