Resistance bands are a popular form of exercise equipment and training tool which have proven themselves to be effective for strengthening and toning muscles. Resistance bands provide a more intensive, dynamic workout than using free weights, but they are also easy to use.
There are many benefits to using resistance band exercises including increasing muscle strength and endurance while improving posture, balance, flexibility, coordination, range of motion, blood circulation, and recovery time. A resistance band is an effective means of targeting one or more muscle groups with an adjustable range of tension that can be changed quickly by the user.
Resistance bands can also be used for injury rehabilitation or as part of a physical therapy program. They’re affordable and portable so they make a great addition to any home gym or fitness routine. Read on to learn more about the benefits of using resistance bands in your fitness routine and how you can get started.
Types Of Resistance Bands
There are many different types of resistance bands. There are also a few different types of bands such as latex-coated, rubber, and leather. The type of band you choose is largely dependent on the exercise or training you’re doing.
For example, if you’re doing upper body exercises, you may want to use an elastic nylon band to provide the most stability and support to your shoulders and arms. Alternatively, to do rotator cuff exercises, a rubber band would be ideal.
Benefits Of Using Resistance Bands
One of the benefits of using resistance bands is that they are inexpensive and portable, so you can use them at home or on the go. A resistance band provides a more intense, dynamic workout than free weights.
Resistance bands are also an effective means of targeting one or more muscle groups with an adjustable range of tension. Resistance bands can be used for injury rehabilitation or as part of a physical therapy program.
The other benefit worth mentioning is that resistance bands are easy to use. Unlike free weights which require you to keep track of your form, resistance bands provide constant tension throughout the exercise just by adjusting the length and strap tension.
How To Use Them Effectively
Resistance bands have many benefits, but using them effectively is important to reap the maximum benefit.
It’s important to remember that resistance bands are not just for strengthening and toning muscles, otherwise you wouldn’t need a weighted barbell or dumbbells. Using the correct amount of tension is important; too much or too little tension may not yield optimal results.
To begin, step on the band with both feet and hold it tight at your hips. Then, pull one hand back against your body so that it’s close to your backside. Next, do the same with your other hand. Now you should be holding both hands in front of you with your palms facing each other and elbows pointed outwards as if you were doing pushups.
When switching sides, reverse the positioning of each arm so that one hand is now on top of the other when they are held out in front of you.